Edited the home page a bit. Though holly shit! I think I'm nearing 2k veiws at the rate I'm going! Though updates maybe slower now due to me getting alot more buzy irl. Updates will slow down!
Add my "about me" page! That some shit dealt with
Man! I gotta get my ass going on adding some shit like the "about me page". Also wtf?! It's nearing febray UH?! Htf did time pass by so fast!?! WTFFF
I've finely got a warning page up. I've been meaning to add 1 up, but after a few warning page designs. I've ended up with 1 I like I think?
WTF!?! My veiw count has gone up from 1,030 to fucking 1,113! UH!?! I may be shit at maths, but I'm pretty sure thats quite the spike in veiws!! Whoevers reading this shit, Thank you :D
Holly fuck! I think I've added in all of the shit from my redisign code on VScode, and now I shall gradully add in more stuff, but I'm glad to have gotten redesigning my homepage off my back. Now I need to add in a warning page..
Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nemo culpa enim, illum esse debitis iste voluptatum nam ullam. Aut nam, harum quam autem laboriosam inventore atque modi! Quos, dolor accusamus.
Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Rerum, quo quia? Quos voluptatum optio sed! Placeat minima doloremque eius qui, cum aut quas commodi rerum beatae velit voluptas, non odit.